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Running TCA service as a container

The simplest way of running TCA api as a service is by running the publicly available TCA image inside Openshift or Docker.

podman run -p 8000:8000


docker run -p 8000:8000

Running TCA using Command Line Interface (CLI)

usage: [-h] -input_json INPUT_JSON -operation OPERATION -catalog CATALOG -output_json OUTPUT_JSON

optional arguments:
  -h, --help     show this help message and exit
  -input_json INPUT_JSON  input to the application in json format
  -operation OPERATION    operation to perform: standardize (default)| containerize
  -catalog CATALOG  catalog: dockerhub (defailt) | openshift | operator
  -output_json OUTPUT_JSON  output from the application in json format

Running TCA service inside a Virtual Machine (VM)

vagrant up
vagrant ssh
cd /vagrant

Deploy TCA image as a container inside Redhat Openshift Container Platform.


Building TCA from source

Requires Python >= 3.6 environment. You cannot run this code without having a proper Python environment first. We recommend that you follow the instructions in the Developer’s Guide before proceeding further. Follow the steps below once the environment has been setup correctly.


Make sure finishes without any errors. You should see a message at the end of the run suggesting TCA finished successfully.

gunicorn --workers=2 --threads=500 --timeout 300 service:app

Guincorn may not be supported on some windows systems. In that case, waitress may be used instead.

waitress-serve --listen=*:8000 service:app

Run a performance test for TCA service

A performance test measures the response time of TCA service under various load conditions. Before running performance test, update config/test.ini with the hostname and port where TCA service has been deployed

python test/performance/

The table below summarizes performance testing results for TCA service api. The service was run as a podman container on IntelCore i9-10885H CPU @ 2.40GHz with 8 Cores, 16 Logical Processors with 4GB Memory limit.

#Records Avg. Response Time Server Peak Mem. Network I/O
10 4.7s 477.1MB / 4.194GB 10.57kB / 8.129kB
100 13.73s 470.5MB / 4.194GB 81.78kB / 50.87kB
1000 42.75s 446.8MB / 4.194GB 644.3kB / 377.4kB
5000 226.29s 497.8MB / 4.194GB 3.814MB / 2.375MB

Running TCA with a new version of Knowledge Base

Please perform the following steps.

  1. Replace the existing .sql file with the new new_db.sql file in the db folder

  2. Change the common.ini file in the config folder as follows

    version = new_db

  3. Modify the and scripts to reflect the version accordingly.


  4. Re-run and then deploy the service.