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TCA’s Knowledge Base


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Entity-Relationship in TCA’s Knowledge Base

We represent the knowledge base in terms of a database. Below we provide an entity-relationship diagram.


Setting up TCA’s Knowledge Base

Generate the .db file from the .sql file.
1. cd db/
2. cat 1.0.4.sql | sqlite3 1.0.4.db``
Set the .db file path to DBeaver to view tables and data. To set right click on Database Navigator to choose create -> connection -> SQLite. Then set the path as follows by providing the absolute path of the .db file
Path: /<path>/1.0.4.db

Table Details

1. entity_types

This contains all the entity types present in our taxonomy. Under each entity type we define entities. For example, the OS entity type contains the Linux|RedHat Linux as an entity.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO entity_types(entity_type_name) VALUES(?)

2. entities

This contains all the named entities along with their types and mappings to Wikidata or DBPedia. The scores are obtained based on an entity linking algorithm.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO entities(entity_name, entity_type_id, external_link) VALUES(?,?,?)
{'name': '', 'qid': '<QID>', 'url': '<QID>', 'score': 1}
The QID can for a named enitity can be obtained from

3. entity mentions

This contains mappings of raw mentions with their entities. Each entity could have multiple mentions. For example, Apache Tomcat can be called as Tomcat or Apache Tomcat.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO entity_mentions(entity_mention_name, entity_type_id, entity_id) VALUES(?,?,?)

4. entity relations

This contains mappings of entities based on their compatibilities. For example, a relation might exists between Linux|* and Apache Tomcat which suggest Apache Tomcat is compatible with different variants of Linux such as RedHat Linux, Ubuntu, CentOS and so on.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO entity_relations(entity_parent_type_id, entity_parent_id, entity_child_type_id, entity_child_id, COTS) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)

5. docker base os images

This contains Docker specific base OS images. For example, RedHat Linux along with its mapping a DockerHub image.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO docker_baseos_images(container_name, OS, Docker_URL, Notes, CertOfImageAndPublisher, Certification_Status, OfficialImage, VerifiedPublisher, OpenShift_Correspondent_Image_URL, OpenShiftStatus) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

6. openshift base os images

This contains Openshift specific base OS images. For example, RedHat Linux along with its mapping a OpenShift image.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO openshift_baseos_images(container_name, OS, OpenShift_Correspondent_Image_URL, Notes, OpenShiftStatus, DockerImageType) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?)

7. docker images

This contains Docker specific images. For example, Apache Tomcat long with its mapping a DockerHub image.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO docker_images(container_name, OS, lang, lib, app, app_server, plugin, runlib, runtime, Docker_URL, Notes, CertOfImageAndPublisher) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

8. openshift images

This contains OpenShift specific images. For example, Apache Tomcat long with its mapping a OpenShift image.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO openshift_images(container_name, OS, lang, lib, app, app_server, plugin, runlib, runtime, Docker_URL, Notes, CertOfImageAndPublisher) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)

9. entity versions

This contains versions and licensing costs for all entities.


A new entry can be added as
    INSERT INTO entity_versions (id, entity_id, version, release_date, end_date, cost)  VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)

10. docker environment variable

This contains environment variables for all docker images.


A new entry can be added as
INSERT  INTO docker_environment_variables(Environment_Variables, Container_Name, Required, Default_Values) VALUES(?,?,?,?)

11. operator images

This contains operator specific images. For example, Postgresql along with its mapping a operator image


A new entry can be added as
INSERT INTO operator_images(container_name, OS, lang, lib, app, app_server, plugin, runlib, runtime, Operator_Correspondent_Image_URL, Operator_Repository, Other_Operators) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)